Emporer moth

Emporer moth
By Peter Byles

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Martin's Haven Slowworms

The lovely weather at the end of last week meant that good numbers of Slowworms are still in evidence. Most stay under cover (I have put out lots of old slates, which they seem to love), but some were out basking in the middle of the morning. Some of the Slowworms seem incredibly loyal to the same bits of cover: one female, recognisable by her stump tail, has been under the same slate for the last 2 months at least.

No sign over the weekend, however, of either Common Lizards, which are pretty widespread here and on the Deer Park, or Adders.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever witnessed the "Dance of the Adders"? I spent some time in early spring on the Deer Park trying to witness this event but only found one adder.
