Emporer moth

Emporer moth
By Peter Byles

Monday 22 August 2011


Just wanted to say that my first hedgehog has hibernated already, a week earlier than the record of last year set by Lavender. The frosts set in 2 weeks later last year so I don't know what Peter Tick Tock thinks we have in store.
It does mean that the latest litters will need to be picked up and cared for if they are to survive the winter. Any hedgehog weighing less than 650g or 1.5lbs needs to be put in a high sided box, covered with scrunched up newspaper, maybe fed with meaty dog or cat food and water and then to come to the Hogspital as most will have lungworm anyway.
If you see a mother with her young, do not seperate them but put food along their path each night until the young start to come on ther own, then pick them up. Their food goes to ground when the frosts come and they die of starvation, not the cold. More info and contact details on www.wobblyhogs.moonfruit.com

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